Revelation 16:1-21

We will be reviewing this chapter which is chapter 16 1:21 very careful
because of the magnitude of the signs and symbols it contains, so we all
need to pay close attention to what they all mean.

The tops of the Wrath of God    

The seven angels bowls of wrath    agenles

I. First Cup

I heard a loud voice from the temple saying to the seven
angels, Go and pour out on the earth the seven bowls of the wrath of
God. 2 So the first went and poured out his vial upon the earth, and
there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark
of the beast and worshiped his image.

It should be noted here in this great chapter that there is
similarity with the eighth chapter . As we remember the similarity of
the trumpet judgments and the glasses or the bowls of the wrath of God
are very tight even though it appears that the judgment of the glasses
are more severe than many of trumpets , but in fact the two judgments
affect the same things.

It says here that a great voice , who do you think who’s this voice
is ? of course we all imagine the  ( voice of Christ) He  tells the
seven angels  to pour on the earth the seven bowls of the wrath of God.
These bowls full of the wrath of God brought malignant ulcer and
pestilence upon men who had the mark of the beast and those who
worshiped his image. These  cups seems that these sores greatly
afflicted men, but still will not surrender to God, nor humble
themselves and repent .

II . second cup

3 The second angel poured out his bowl on the sea , and
it became blood as of a dead man: and every living thing died that was
in the sea.

The second angel poured out his bowl on the sea making the sea all its water  in blood mar en sangre.
The similarity of this passage we can see it in chapter 8:8 where we
see the second angel when playing second trumpet and as a great mountain
burning with fire was cast into the sea . , And look what it says ” the
third part of the sea became blood “.  At this time we see only the
third part of it turned into blood while the second shed vial upon the
sea which became all blood,  and every living thing died that was in the

Third Cup

4 And the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters , and they became blood .

This verse clearly shows us that even more blood was to be shed
because it  got the rivers and the fountains of waters which the third
cup took place. In other words it’s like all the waters of the earth
were to become blood.  I believe because of much blood  la segunda copa de la ira de Dios that
has been shed on earth is the reason why man on earth will drink blood
himself. Likewise commanded by Pharaoh to drown all Hebrew children is
why all his army drowned in the sea. Another example is that as we read
the story of Esther, we see  that Haman built a gallows to hang Mordecai
and we all  know how Haman and his sons finished hanged with his own
rope . This is called the righteous judgment of God .

5 And I heard the angel of the waters say , Thou art
righteous , O Lord, which art, and wast, and shalt be, because thou hast
judged thus things .6 For they have shed the blood of saints and
prophets, and you have given them blood to drink as they deserve.7 and I
heard another voice  out of the altar say, Even so , Lord God Almighty ,
your judgments are true and just .

We see here in verse seven souls under the altar are now satisfied because God avenge their blood.

III . fourth Cup

8 And the fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun,
and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire. 9 And men were
scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath
power over these plagues: and they repented not neither gave him glory.

In these next two trials of verse eight and nine is where we see the
fourth and fifth heavenly angel involving with the order that was given.
 When the fourth Angel poured out his vial upon the sun, he makes
 heaven fire and there was given unto him to scorch men with fire. Once
again we see the similarity there in chapter 8:12 where part of the sun
is obscured. So , we see that the sun will burned men because God will
allowed this to be so .

Fifth Cup

10 And the fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne
of the beast , and his kingdom was full of darkness , and they gnawed
their tongues for pain , 11 And blasphemed the God of heaven because of
their pains and their sores , and repented not of their works.

This fifth Angel brings darkness to the land , but we do not know for
sure if this darkness goes throughout the world,  or  only covers the
land in darkness where the kingdom or the throne of the beast is at .
We’re not sure of this darkness on how would covered the earth, but what
we do know is that Satan is the prince of darkness, which we believe is
the reason and cause of this darkness invading his kingdom.

IV. sixth Cup

12 And the sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great
river Euphrates, and its water was dried up to prepare the way for the
kings from the east . 13 And I saw from the dragon’s mouth , and the
mouth of the beast , and the mouth of the false prophet , three unclean
spirits like frogs ; 14 For they are the spirits of devils , working
miracles, which go forth unto the kings land around the world , to
gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.

These have a huge similarity on the book of Exodus when God dried the
Red Sea to save his nation from the Egyptians. And now we see that the
new dry waters of the great river Euphrates will allows armies battle at
Armageddon. ” The mountain of Menguido ” is what the word of Armageddon
means . This large dry river is one of the largest fields in the world
battle and is precisely here where the battle between Christ and the
anti – Christ was fought .

On verses 12-16 it well describes the three unclean spirits that come
out of the mouth of the “dragon” of the “beast ” and ” false prophet” a
it says they are like frogs , this does not mean they are literal
frogs. Frogs which in shown here are actually demonic spirits that Satan
will use to deal with a large army , large numerous army most likely
largest in the history of the world and this will take place to combat
the Lord. Read (1 Kings 22:20-28 , Ex 8:5-7 , 1 Tim 4:1). But no matter,
 the outcome of this great battle is in chapter 19 : 11-21 . Read :
Zephaniah 3:8 Joel 3; 9-14, Zachary Isaiah 24:1-8 12 e .

Promise to the saints on earth at this time :

15 Behold , I come as a thief . Blessed is he who stays
awake and keeps his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his

Christ asks us to keep us from the world and satanic system
contamination . ( Rev. 18: 4) as also tells us to keep our ( 2 Cor 7:1 )
clean clothes

V. Mystery of God given 

16 And they assembled them at the place that in Hebrew is
called Armageddon. 17 The seventh angel poured out his bowl into the
air, and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven , from the
throne , saying, It is done. 18 And there were voices and thunders and
lightnings and a great earthquake , such a great earthquake, such as had
never been since men were upon the earth. 19 And the great city was
divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell: and great
Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give the cup of the wine of
the fierceness of his wrath. 20 And every island fled away and the
mountains were not found. 21 And from heaven fell upon men a great hail,
like a talent: and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail
, since that plague was exceedingly great.

If we go back to chapter 10:6 -7 God promised that ” the mystery of
God ” would end when the seventh angel emptied the cup, and now here we
see this fulfilled . So far we have seen judgments touching nature and
humanity, but not the ” mastermind ” behind all the evil who is Satan
himself. But now we see that from here on it and own Christ fights the
religious, political and financial system and the Armageddon Satan .

When bowls were all emptied, the throne in heaven came together to
say ” Is all Made ! the mystery is over, and now the souls under the
altar would not ask again ” how much longer ”

We see a major earthquake  “great”  earthquake  gran terremoto which
divides into three parts the land of Israel . read ( 11:8 ) so we read
in Zechariah 14:4 , this will not be the only city destroyed  because
other great cities fall as the great Babylon comes to its end trial.
This is the apostate church of the last days of Babylon (Rev 18) which
is the new political-economic system of the beast.

Now we also see hail with grains of 125 lb , this was what was a
talent of silver in the NT. In the same way we see in Lev 24:6 that the
blasphemer is stoned to death and also apply for the judgment day of the
hailstones .

el grande rollo

Estudio Biblico Libro Apocalipsis 14:1-20

Apocalipsis 14:1-5    

El cántico de los 144 mil     

el cantico

Después miré, y he aquí el Cordero estaba en pie sobre el monte
de Sion, y con él ciento cuarenta y cuatro mil, que tenían el nombre de
él y el de su Padre escrito en la frente.
oí una voz del cielo como estruendo de muchas aguas, y como sonido de
un gran trueno; y la voz que oí era como de arpistas que tocaban sus
Y cantaban
un cántico nuevo delante del trono, y delante de los cuatro seres
vivientes, y de los ancianos; y nadie podía aprender el cántico sino
aquellos ciento cuarenta y cuatro mil que fueron redimidos de entre los
de la tierra.
Estos son los que
no se contaminaron con mujeres, pues son vírgenes. Estos son los que
siguen al Cordero por dondequiera que va. Estos fueron redimidos de
entre los hombres como primicias para Dios y para el Cordero;
y en sus bocas no fue hallada mentira, pues son sin mancha delante del trono de Dios.

Juan dice: Después miré. ¿Hacia donde está mirando Juan ? Hacia el cielo o hacia la tierra.

Pues, siendo que Juan está viendo a Jesucristo, el Cordero, tiene que
ser en el cielo, porque a estas alturas de los eventos en la
tribulación, Jesucristo no habrá venido por segunda vez a la tierra. Su
segunda venida ocurrirá al final de la tribulación, tal cual como está
relatada en Apocalipsis capítulo 19. El monte Sión del cual habla el
texto leído, entonces es una referencia al cielo. El Cordero está de pie
en el cielo. Pero, incluso si esta escena es en cielo, entonces está
mirando de antemano al reino venidero en la tierra. También , observamos
que no esta solo, el texto dice que con él estaban 144.000. corderocon los 144.000Estos
144.000 son los mismos que fueron sellados por Dios en Apocalipsis
capítulo 7, pero ahora no están ya en la tierra sino en el cielo. La
Biblia no nos provee de información acerca de cómo llegaron al cielo.
Las probabilidades son que perecieron en la persecución del Anticristo y
murieron como mártires o murieron de muerte natural, o hasta quizás
 fueron trasladados al cielo sin pasar por la muerte.

Ahora se describe el carácter de los 144.000. El hecho que los
describe como  “no se contaminaron con mujeres “ y eran “ vírgenes “ no
se refiere en lo físico , sino en lo espiritual. Los que moran en la
tierra en aquel dia serán llenos del pecado de fornicación espiritual., y
aparentemente estos 144.000 sellados no serán contaminados. Serán
marcados con el nombre de su padre y no el de la bestia.

El mensaje de los tres ángeles  apocalipsis 14 photo

Apo 14:6-13

Vi volar por en medio del cielo a
otro ángel, que tenía el evangelio eterno para predicarlo a los
moradores de la tierra, a toda nación, tribu, lengua y pueblo,
a gran voz: Temed a Dios, y dadle gloria, porque la hora de su juicio
ha llegado; y adorad a aquel que hizo el cielo y la tierra, el mar y las
fuentes de las aguas.
Otro ángel le siguió, diciendo: Ha caído, ha caído Babilonia, la gran ciudad, porque ha hecho beber a todas las naciones del vino del furor de su fornicación. Y
el tercer ángel los siguió, diciendo a gran voz: Si alguno adora a la
bestia y a su imagen, y recibe la marca en su frente o en su mano,
10 él también beberá del vino de la ira de Dios, que ha sido vaciado puro en el cáliz de su ira; y será atormentado con fuego y azufre delante de los santos ángeles y del Cordero;11 y el humo de su tormento sube por los siglos de los siglos. Y no tienen reposo de día ni de noche los que adoran a la bestia y a su imagen, ni nadie que reciba la marca de su nombre.12 Aquí está la paciencia de los santos, los que guardan los mandamientos de Dios y la fe de Jesús.13 
una voz que desde el cielo me decía: Escribe: Bienaventurados de aquí
en adelante los muertos que mueren en el Señor. Sí, dice el Espíritu,
descansarán de sus trabajos, porque sus obras con ellos siguen.

Cada ángel tiene un anuncio diferente, Dios aun usa personas para dar
mensajes y en los últimos tiempos, tiempos  del juicio de Dios usara a
los ángeles. “El Evangelio Eterno “presenta a Dios como el creador,
Salvador, y advierte que el juicio viene pronto. Anuncia el temor a
Dios, les dicen que den gloria a Dios y no a la bestia ni a Satanás.
También, advierten el llamado final para todo aquel que adora a la
bestia y su imagen, y aquel que ha recibido la marca de su nombre marcados.
(Ro 1:25) . Anuncian también la caída de Babilonia cual es el sistema
apostata político religioso que encabeza la bestia mundialmente. Leer
(Jer 50:14,15,38 y 51:7,8)

Vemos las siete copas de juicio que es el derramamiento de la ira de
Dios (Ap 15-18) Ya no habrá ni gracia ni misericordia mesclada con su
ira. El ángel bien  que advierte a los que llevan la marca de la bestia
que sufrirán tormentos eternos sin descanso ni alivio. A diferencia a
los seguidores del Cordero pues ellos descansaran de sus labores y serán
benditos. Los creyentes deben tener paciencia como nos dice la palabra
en (Lucas 21:19) .

La tierra es segada

Apo 14: 14-20 

14 Miré, y he aquí una nube blanca; y sobre la nube uno sentado semejante al Hijo del Hombre, que tenía en la cabeza una corona de oro, y en la mano una hoz aguda.15 Y
del templo salió otro ángel, clamando a gran voz al que estaba sentado
sobre la nube: Mete tu hoz, y siega; porque la hora de segar ha llegado,
pues la mies de la tierra está madura.
16 Y el que estaba sentado sobre la nube metió su hoz en la tierra, y la tierra fue segada.17 Salió otro ángel del templo que está en el cielo, teniendo también una hoz aguda.18 Y
salió del altar otro ángel, que tenía poder sobre el fuego, y llamó a
gran voz al que tenía la hoz aguda, diciendo: Mete tu hoz aguda, y
vendimia los racimos de la tierra, porque sus uvas están maduras.
19 Y el ángel arrojó su hoz en la tierra, y vendimió la viña de la tierra, y echó las uvas en el gran lagar de la ira de Dios.20 Y fue pisado el lagar fuera de la ciudad, y del lagar salió sangre hasta los frenos de los caballos, por mil seiscientos estadios.

Aquí leemos como Juan vio a Cristo en una nube blanca, con una corona de oro y con una hoz aguda  hoz
a la tierra para recoger la cosecha . La primera vez que Cristo vino a
la tierra vino como sembrador de la semilla, para en la segunda venida
viene como el segador, trayendo juicio al mundo . “La mies de la tierra
está madura “  . Esto muestra que Dios sabe exactamente cuándo y a quien
juzgar . Por siglos y siglos y con toda paciencia a estado Dios
esperando a que las semillas de iniquidad rindan fruto (Stg 1:14-15) .

Entonces ya vemos la gran guerra del Armagedón

  1. La bestia atacara a Israel.  bestia
  2. Dios derroto a Rusia rusia
  3. La bestia derroto a Egipto derrota a egipto
  4. Ambos enemigos se retiran derrotados enemigos
  5. La bestia se establece como gobernante y deidad mundial  la bestia
  6. La bestia reina hasta en Jerusalen  jerusalen
  7. Los ejércitos avanzaran hacia Palestina, luchan contra la bestia eercitos 2
  8. El hijo del Hombre aparecerá en ese tiempo y los ejércitos se unirán para luchar contra Cristo soldados
En los versículos 17-18 describe a un hombre que corta racimos de
uvas de la vid. Es ahora que el nuevo sistema mundial impío son  nuevo sistema
los racimos de la tierra”. Y Cristo es la vid verdadera. Aunque Israel
fue sembrado para ser la vid santa de Dios, desgraciadamente y triste en
decirlo pero produjo frutos amargos. No tan solo fueron desobedientes y
fueron contra la palabra de Dios pero también rechazaron al verdadero
Mesías y aceptaron el falso Cristo, razón por la cual han tenido que
sufrir amargas consecuencias.

Llegamos al versículo 20 donde da escalofríos leer como la sangre correrá hasta larga distancia,  sangre
por 320 km fuera de la cuidad de Jerusalén y será profunda como los la
distancia de los frenos de los caballos hasta el cuelo! . Ah es donde se
derramara la ira de Dios.

No cabe dudas que todo aquel que rechazo la verdad y el evangelio de
Dios sufrirá terriblemente juicio en ese terrible y desbastador día de
la ira de Dios.

Cada día nos acercamos más a este fin “Armagedón”  armagedonel
cual nos habla Juan en este capítulo,  pues ya está el surgimiento de
Europa y Egipto, incluyendo las naciones de Asia, añadiendo  la
federación Europea. De lo que debemos estar seguros y confiados de la
derrota final que llevara Satanás y sus aliados.  la nuevaPues
Dios da palabra cierta y verdadera que en la guerra final El acabara
por siempre con Satanás sus demonios y con todos sus seguidores.

Apocalipsis 13:1-18

Apocalipsis 13:1-18

Las dos bestias   las dos bestias

Me paré sobre la arena del mar, y vi subir del mar una
bestia que tenía siete cabezas y diez cuernos; y en sus cuernos diez
diademas; y sobre sus cabezas, un nombre blasfemo. Y la
bestia que vi era semejante a un leopardo, y sus pies como de oso, y su
boca como boca de león. Y el dragón le dio su poder y su trono, y grande
autoridad. Vi una de sus cabezas como herida de muerte,
pero su herida mortal fue sanada; y se maravilló toda la tierra en pos
de la bestia, y adoraron al dragón que había dado autoridad
a la bestia, y adoraron a la bestia, diciendo: ¿Quién como la bestia, y
quién podrá luchar contra ella? También se le dio boca que hablaba grandes cosas y blasfemias; y se le dio autoridad para actuar cuarenta y dos meses. Y abrió su boca en blasfemias contra Dios, para blasfemar de su nombre, de su tabernáculo, y de los que moran en el cielo. Y
se le permitió hacer guerra contra los santos, y vencerlos. También se
le dio autoridad sobre toda tribu, pueblo, lengua y nación. Y
la adoraron todos los moradores de la tierra cuyos nombres no estaban
escritos en el libro de la vida del Cordero que fue inmolado desde el
principio del mundo.

Estas dos bestias cuales son presentadas en este capítulo no son
animales sino personas que actúan como animal. Aquí vemos y aprendemos
aun mas de la trinidad satánica, 1. Satanás, 2. La bestia (el
anticristo) y 3. El falso profeta.

Esta bestia que tiene siete cabezas y diez cuernos que vio Juan subir del mar es el mismo Satanás apocalipsis 13 photo
y el mar en este caso simboliza a las naciones. Entonces vemos que ya
para este tiempo Satanás revela su verdadero carácter al mundo. Como ya
hemos leído, el anticristo por un tiempo operara pacíficamente y
engañara a Israel por los primeros tres anos y medios., les hará
promesas de protegerlos de la federación europea que es la que controla.
Pero eso no será así después de los primeros tres anos y medios, pues
ya el verdadero carácter satánico del anticristo será revelado al mundo.
(Leer Ap 17: 10-12 para poder comprender sobre las cabezas, cuernos y

En la profecía del libro de Daniel en el capitulo 7 podemos leer la semejanza con estas bestias.

 Daniel 7:1- 7 dijo: Miraba yo en mi visión de noche, y he aquí que los cuatro vientos del cielo combatían en el gran mar.Y cuatro bestias grandes, diferentes la una de la otra, subían del mar.La
primera era como león, y tenía alas de águila. Yo estaba mirando hasta
que sus alas fueron arrancadas, y fue levantada del suelo y se puso
enhiesta sobre los pies a manera de hombre, y le fue dado corazón de
he aquí otra segunda bestia, semejante a un oso, la cual se alzaba de
un costado más que del otro, y tenía en su boca tres costillas entre los
dientes; y le fue dicho así: Levántate, devora mucha carne.
de esto miré, y he aquí otra, semejante a un leopardo, con cuatro alas
de ave en sus espaldas; tenía también esta bestia cuatro cabezas; y le
fue dado dominio.
de esto miraba yo en las visiones de la noche, y he aquí la cuarta
bestia, espantosa y terrible y en gran manera fuerte, la cual tenía unos
dientes grandes de hierro; devoraba y desmenuzaba, y las sobras hollaba
con sus pies, y era muy diferente de todas las bestias que vi antes de
ella, y tenía diez cuernos.

Las cuatro bestias ilustran cuatro imperios, : el león (Babilonico),
el oso (medo-persa),  el leopardo (griego) la terrible cuarta bestia
espantosa (el reino del anticristo).  Ahora vemos en Daniel 7:8 que el
cuerno pequeño es la bestia de la cual habla Apocalipsis 13 que es el
anticristo. El reino de la bestia será el seguimiento de estos mismos
reinos, que muy claro nos queda será un resurgimiento el Imperio Romano.

Como ya hemos leído y aprendido en este ultimo capitulo las bestia no
son animales son personas o gobiernos. Hasta este momento conocemos que
la bestia es la cabeza de la federación europea que conjunto trabaja
muy íntimamente con la cooperación de la Iglesia mundial. (Ap 17). Este
sistema apostata religioso pretenderá ser obediente, pero es solo para
alcanzar su conquista mundial. Pero Egipto y Rusia como ya hemos
aprendido y estudiado en capítulos anteriores de este mismo libro de
Apocalipsis invadirá a Palestina, leer ( Eze 37-38 ) entonces es cuando
la bestia se ve obligada a proteger a Israel. Pero aun así Dios
destruirá a Rusia, y es ahí donde  vuelve a conquistar a Israel,
destruirá a la gran ramera (Apo17) y gobernara  como dios del mundo.

Parte II

 El falso profeta y la bestia de la tierra (13:11-18


Si alguno tiene oído, oiga. 10 Si
alguno lleva en cautividad, va en cautividad; si alguno mata a espada, a
espada debe ser muerto. Aquí está la paciencia y la fe de los santos.
11 Después vi otra bestia que subía de la tierra; y tenía dos cuernos semejantes a los de un cordero, pero hablaba como dragón. 12 Y
ejerce toda la autoridad de la primera bestia en presencia de ella, y
hace que la tierra y los moradores de ella adoren a la primera bestia,
cuya herida mortal fue sanada.
13 También hace grandes señales, de tal manera que aun hace descender fuego del cielo a la tierra delante de los hombres. 14 Y
engaña a los moradores de la tierra con las señales que se le ha
permitido hacer en presencia de la bestia, mandando a los moradores de
la tierra que le hagan imagen a la bestia que tiene la herida de espada,
y vivió.
15 Y se
le permitió infundir aliento a la imagen de la bestia, para que la
imagen hablase e hiciese matar a todo el que no la adorase.
16 Y
hacía que a todos, pequeños y grandes, ricos y pobres, libres y
esclavos, se les pusiese una marca en la mano derecha, o en la frente;
17 y que ninguno pudiese comprar ni vender, sino el que tuviese la marca o el nombre de la bestia, o el número de su nombre. 18 Aquí
hay sabiduría. El que tiene entendimiento, cuente el número de la
bestia, pues es número de hombre. Y su número es seiscientos sesenta y

Si leemos en 2 Tesalonicenses ahí nos indica la palabra que Dios
permitirá que venga sobre el mundo incrédulo un fuerte engaño, donde no
aceptaran a Jesucristo pero si al anticristo. La mentira de la cual
habla la palabra es toda blasfemia que la bestia dirá contra la Iglesia
en el cielo y perseguirá al remanente judío creyente en la tierra.
Satanás tiene mucha habilidad para engañar aun hasta los escogidos.
Cristo nos dice en Juan 8;44 que cuando habla mentira, de suyo habla;
porque es mentiroso, y padre de mentira.

En su loco afán por imitar la trinidad divina, Satanás ha fabricado
una trilogía satánica. Satanás, el Anticristo y el Falso Profeta.   anticristo y falso profeta Satanás
imitará al Padre, el Anticristo imitará al Hijo y el Falso Profeta
imitará al Espíritu Santo. Ya hemos visto el accionar de Satanás, en
Apocalipsis capítulo 12 y del Anticristo en la primera parte de
Apocalipsis capítulo 13. Así como la función del Espíritu Santo es
glorificar al Hijo, el Señor Jesucristo, la función del Falso Profeta es
glorificar al Anticristo quien surgirá  de los pueblos, muchedumbres,
naciones y lenguas. Es decir que su origen es gentil. En cambio la
bestia que Juan está viendo ahora, sube de la tierra. La tierra
simboliza a la nación Hebrea y al pueblo escogido de Dios. Por tanto, el
Falso Profeta será de origen judío, no gentil.  Como la primera bestia,
el Anticristo, tenía diez cuernos con diademas, esta tiene solo dos
cuernos y no tiene diademas. Esto significa que el Falso Profeta no
tendrá el mismo poder que el Anticristo y además, la ausencia de
diademas en los cuernos del Falso Profeta indica que el poder del Falso
Profeta no será político sino religioso. Esto último se desprende del
hecho que los dos cuernos del Falso Profeta eran como cuernos de
cordero. El Falso Profeta tendrá apariencia de piedad, pero por dentro
será todo lo contrario. Es un lobo vestido de cordero. Esto lo sabemos
porque hablaba como dragón.

El hablar del Falso Profeta revelará su verdadero carácter. Ese
carácter es idéntico al del dragón o Satanás. Oír al Falso Profeta es
como oír a Satanás. Y las obras del Falso Profeta es muy extensa.

1. El Falso Profeta hará exactamente la voluntad del Anticristo. anticristo (1)

2. promoverá la adoración al Anticristo.  adoracion al anticristoAsí
como el Espíritu Santo promueve la adoración a Jesucristo, el Falso
Profeta promoverá adoración al Anticristo, como si fuera Dios. El
argumento para hacer que el mundo adore al Anticristo será que el
Anticristo debe ser dios porque esa herida mortal que tenía fue sanada.
En realidad venderá la idea que el Anticristo ha resucitado de los

3. engañará a los moradores de la tierra con señales milagrosas.  senales milagrosas El Falso Profeta será un consumado realizador de milagros.

Su repertorio incluirá el hacer descender fuego del cielo, al puro
estilo de Elías en el Monte Carmelo ante la estupefacta mirada de los
profetas de Baal. La gente estará fascinada con él. Muchos enloquecerán
por el anticristo pensando que es el dios y el Falso Profeta su vocero
poderoso. Asi de esa misma manera es que hoy en día muchos acuden a los
falsos sacerdotes de religiones paganas y enloquecen al ver los milagros
que ellos puede realizar,  pero como acabamos de leer Satanás puede
también otorgar poderes sobrenaturales a los que son suyos para hacer
grandes señales.

En el pasado lo hizo con los magos en Egipto quienes imitaron una
buena parte de los milagros realizados por Moisés, y en el futuro lo
hará con el Falso Profeta. El propósito será siempre el mismo: Engañar a
la gente. Así que no de por sentado que todo lo milagroso proviene de
Dios. Pruebe los espíritus si son de Dios. Es el consejo de Dios en 1
Juan 4:1. La palabra de Dios es la regla o la medida para probar los
espíritus si son de Dios.

4. organizará una campaña para adorar a la imagen del Anticristo.  imagen del anticristo El
Falso Profeta se constituirá en el líder de una campaña a escala
mundial para erigir una imagen del Anticristo. Propondrá como modelo una
figura del Anticristo en la cual se aprecie claramente la herida de
espada, a causa de la cual el Anticristo estuvo al borde de la muerte.
Los moradores de la tierra aceptarán gustosos participar en la
edificación de la imagen. Una vez construida la imagen, será colocada en
un lugar de privilegio en el templo de Jerusalén que estará en pie en
la tribulación. 2 Tesalonicenses 2:4, hablando del Anticristo dice: “el
cual se opone y se levanta contra todo lo que se llama Dios o es objeto
de culto; tanto que se sienta en el templo de Dios como Dios,
haciéndose pasar por Dios”

El Falso Profeta hará uso de su poder sobrenatural para infundir
aliento a la imagen, al punto que la imagen podrá hablar y ordenará que
todo aquel que no le rinda adoración sea asesinado. Es así como el
Anticristo hará guerra contra los santos y los vencerá conforme
estudiamos en Apocalipsis 13:7.

5. hará que todos los habitantes de la tierra reciban una marca.  666 El
Falso Profeta obedecerá a la perfección las órdenes del Anticristo y
saldrá a marcar a todo el mundo. No respetará condición social, pequeña y
grande. No respetará condición económica, ricos y pobres. No respetará
ocupación, libres y esclavos. Todos recibirán la marca bien sea en la
mano derecha o en la frente. Los que se resistan a recibir la marca,
tendrán que atenerse a las consecuencias. Las consecuencias serán ser
proscritos de la humanidad. No podrán comprar ni vender. Esto significa
esperar una muerte lenta pero segura.

Son los mártires de la tribulación. La marca era el nombre de la
bestia, o el número de su nombre. Luego el apóstol Juan afirma que en lo
que va a decir hay sabiduría. El que tiene entendimiento, cuente el
número de la bestia, pues es número de hombre. Y su número es
seiscientos sesenta y seis. (666).

Mejor es armarse de sabiduría y reconocer que el famoso 666
representa la plenitud del hombre. El número 6 en la Biblia es el número
del hombre. La triple repetición del número 6 indica que el Anticristo.

Book of Revelation 12:1-17

Revelation 12:1-6 

The woman and the dragon

It appeared in the sky a great sign : a woman clothed with
the sun, the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve
stars . 2 Then being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained
to be delivered . 3 And another sign appeared in heaven : behold, a
great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and on his heads
seven diadems : 4 And his tail drew the third part of the stars of
heaven and threw them to the earth . And the dragon stood before the
woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon
as it was born . 5 And she brought forth a man child , who will rule
with a rod of iron to all nations : and her child was caught up to God
and to his throne . 6 And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she
hath a place prepared by God, that there a thousand two hundred sixty

We clearly see in this chapter the strong opposition of Satan against God’s people . The woman represents  mujer de apocalipsis 12the
nation of Israel woman of Revelation 12 woman gives birth to Christ as
we read in verse 5 . In the books of the OT always this woman is
represented as israel Israel and as the mother to stop Christ. (is 54:5 ,
Jer 3:6-10 ) . We see us as John describes this woman is in labor and
the child to stop is Christ the son of God.

The dragon     dragon is
none other than Satan himself read see 9 and heads and horns and refer
us to diadems 7 17:3 13:1 where the beast that there is not another
described the “Antichrist” same seven head. Remember that Antichrist is
present from the beginning as the leader of the nations of Europe ,
although not openly revealed as such until the middle of the tribulation
period . In the AT Satan did everything he could to prevent the birth
of Christ. And even when treatment was also born to kill him (Mt 2:16)
Christ was attacked by Satan in various ways with the culmination of his
death on the cross.

Satan also attacks the Jews but we see that God will protect the
144,000 because we see that God to seal , but also God will take care of
other Jews .

Jesus told the Jews in (Mt 24:15-21 ) flee when the Antichrist is
revealed. The Jews read the word and know what to do in this difficult
in the second part of the tribulation time. Reading well (Mt 24:15-17 )

II The war in heaven

7 And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels
fought against the dragon, and the dragon fought and his angels, 8 And
prevailed not , neither was their place found for them in the sky. 9 And
he was thrown down the great dragon , that old serpent , called the
Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world: he was cast out into the
earth, and his angels were cast out with him . 10 Then I heard a loud
voice in heaven, saying : Now is come salvation, and strength , and the
kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ, because it was cast
down the accuser of our brethren, which accused them before our God day
and night . 11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the
word of their testimony and they loved not their lives unto the death.
12 Therefore rejoice, ye heavens , and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the
inhabitants of the earth and the sea ! for the devil is come down unto
you , having great wrath , knowing that he has little time. 13 And when
the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth , he persecuted the woman
which brought forth the man child. 14 And he gave the woman the two
wings of a great eagle, that she might fly from the serpent into the
wilderness , into her place , where she is nourished for a time , times
and half a time . 15 And the serpent cast out of his mouth after the
woman water as a river, that he might be dragged down by the river. 16
But the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened its mouth and
swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth. 17 And
the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the
remnant of her seed , which keep the commandments of God and have the
testimony of Jesus Christ.

If you read the first two chapters of Job we see clearly that Satan
has access to heaven and Zacarias 3 reveals it and says that he accuses
us before God. To half of the Tribulation, Satan will be cast out of
heaven to earth launched . The archangel Michael  miguel 
and his angels have been assigned to fight the beast , and the Jewish
people will be protected by the archangel Michael and his angels
warriors. (Dan 10:13-21 , 12:1 , Jude 9 ) Michael means who like me?
while Satan said ” be like God ” but God is more and defeated him see
that he was cast out of heaven. In verse 9 we see it as a snake which is
the old serpent speaks Genesis 3 and the word devil means accuser , and
Satan means adversary .

This adversary called Satan has spent a lifetime in the sky accuser
of the saints before the throne of God . , But these have defeated three
powerful weapons 1.with the blood of Christ that cleanses us from all
sin. Two . the forgiveness we receive through the blood of the cross
which is his word as God’s word tells us in ( 1 John 9:2-4 ). And last
Third . By redemption , because they preferred to die than obey satan.
There is great joy in heaven over the defeat of this beast called Satan ,
but still lack the third woe ! on earth to come in the last three and a
half years of the tribulation. Then see how the adversary the devil
called Satan will be cast into the abyss finally read ( AP20 :1 -3)

III Anger over land 12:13-16

We read as the great dragon descends with great wrath , because he is
no longer allowed to enter more into heaven and therefore can no longer
accuse the saints of God, reason why now he starts chase  them and
accused on earth as never before. This liar devil will become like a
ferocious lion and focuses on destroying Israel   israel of
his rage and fury against the nation of God. We see in human history
that suffered persecution the Jewish people beginning with Egypt and
persecuted the Jews , after ‘ve captured Babylon and had as slaves ,
then also as we know, Germany massacred millions of Jews in World War II

Satan could not kill the son of the woman , so now trying to
exterminate his seed. The believing remnant of Israel. God always  has
 carefully  carried a special site protection for his remnant  people,
 where the beast who  is the dragon that old serpent , devil the great
liar can not ever enter again.

We see this double war now taking place , we see God at war against
the unbelieving world , and right through the beast Satan is at war with
the saints . In other words war between good and evil. ! horrible war !
. That is why Jesus says: And unless those days were shortened, no
flesh would be saved. (Mt 24:22 ) Because of these chosen ones terrible
times will be shortened.

Observe two main points of this chapter

1. Satan is at war with the saints and can overcome only through faith in God’s word .

2.  As we know Satan is the accuser of the saints, and our sins gives
Satan all the proof he needs before the throne of God to accuse and
bring condemnation.

3. We know we have a lawyer who is our Lord Jesus Christ (1 John
1:9-2-2 ) Christ cleanses us when we confess our sins at the same time
Satan is silenced . We must learn not to accuse the saints not get from
Satan because Satan is also a big change is the great liar an accuser .
“It says that love covers a multitude of sins. ”

4.  Never be guilty of Antisemitism. The Jews are the chosen people
of God and if not for Israel we would not have our Savior Jesus Christ
or the Bible. Loving Israel, pray for your peace and seek to win our
Jewish friends for Christ.

Do not forget to pray for the peace of Israel and I assure you will
receive God’s blessing. Read Genesis 12:3 I will bless those who bless
you , and him who curses you I will curse . And in you shall all
families of the earth.

Apocalipsis 10:1-11

Apocalipsis 10:1-11

El ángel con el librito


Vi descender del cielo a otro
ángel fuerte, envuelto en una nube, con el arco iris sobre su cabeza; y
su rostro era como el sol, y sus pies como columnas de fuego. 
2 Tenía en su mano un librito abierto; y puso su pie derecho sobre el mar, y el izquierdo sobre la tierra; 3 y clamó a gran voz, como ruge un león; y cuando hubo clamado, siete truenos emitieron sus voces. 4 Cuando
los siete truenos hubieron emitido sus voces, yo iba a escribir; pero
oí una voz del cielo que me decía: Sella las cosas que los siete truenos
han dicho, y no las escribas. 
5 Y el ángel que vi en pie sobre el mar y sobre la tierra, levantó su mano al cielo, 6 y
juró por el que vive por los siglos de los siglos, que creó el cielo y
las cosas que están en él, y la tierra y las cosas que están en ella, y
el mar y las cosas que están en él, que el tiempo no sería más, 
7 sino
que en los días de la voz del séptimo ángel, cuando él comience a tocar
la trompeta, el misterio de Dios se consumará, como él lo anunció a sus
siervos los profetas. 
8 La
voz que oí del cielo habló otra vez conmigo, y dijo: Ve y toma el
librito que está abierto en la mano del ángel que está en pie sobre el
mar y sobre la tierra. 
9 Y
fui al ángel, diciéndole que me diese el librito. Y él me dijo: Toma, y
cómelo; y te amargará el vientre, pero en tu boca será dulce como la
10 Entonces
tomé el librito de la mano del ángel, y lo comí; y era dulce en mi boca
como la miel, pero cuando lo hube comido, amargó mi vientre. 
11 Y él me dijo: Es necesario que profetices otra vez sobre muchos pueblos, naciones, lenguas y reyes.

Ya estamos al punto medio de la gran tribulacion. De acuerdo a Daniel
9:27 este es el tiempo en que la bestia rompe su pacto con Israel y
revela su furia satánica. Dios protege al remanente judio durante los
primeros tres año y medios, y la bestia tiene autoridad mundial durante
los últimos tres años y medio  finales. Ya hemos leído que satanás  se
ha apoderado de  la tierra grandemente por  tres  años, y  ha
aterrorizado a la tierra especialmente a los Cristianos con una grande

Hay un paréntesis entre la sexta y y séptima trompeta. La séptima trompeta es el comienzo de la copa de la ira de Dios .

Este mensajero especial  “ángel fuerte”  que desciende del cielo , envuelto en una nube con el arco iris sobre su cabeza no es mas que nuestro Señor Jesucristo  Jesucristo-con-el-libro-de-Daniel-abierto el
ángel del Señor. La descripción que nos da Juan de este Ángel fuerte es
la misma que la de Cristo glorificado que leemos en Apo 1:12-16 . La
nube y el arco iris se refiere al 1:16 los pies de fuego a 1:15 y el
rostro como el sol a 1:16 . Aun la voz como leon lo vemos en el 5:5
tambien en Oseas 11:10 y Joel 3:16 . Esa voz que se escucha no es una
voz de gracia si  no de juicio.

El  “librito” verso 2 , viene hacer el rollo grande  el grande rollo  el
rollo esta abierto el de 5:1 esta sellado. al leer los versículos 9-11
vemos que este es un libro de profecías.  Ya los profetas habian declaro
sobre este grande rollo y de sus profecías. Quizás  este “Librito” sea
el mensaje sellado de Daniel 12;4-9 y se abre ahora para que se cumpla.

Al Señor estar parado sobre el mar y sobre la tierra en señal de
reclamo , El esta reclamando lo que es de el. ! No sabemos lo que la voz
dice ni lo que los truenos dijeron , y no especularemos tampoco. A Juan
se le dice que selle las palabras de los truenos, la única revelación
que el libro revela. Esta visión de Juan,   nos deja bien claro que
Cristo esta en control y que pronto se hará cumplimiento de todos los
propósitos de Dios.

Parte II El anuncio del Ángel 10:5-7 

La escena da comienzo cuando Cristo levanta su mano y afirma que ya
no habrá mas demora .” EL TIEMPO YA NO SERA MAS ” . Ya hemos leido que
las almas debajo del altar estaban preguntando : ” Hasta cuando ” ?
.6:10-11. Y vimos como le dan respuesta : “Ya no habra mas demora ! ” .
Los pecadores dicen y hablan de la demora del regreso de Cristo que
porque no hace algo ? 2 Pedro 3. Este periodo de tardanza no es  mas que
un ultima oportunidad para que muchos mas se arrepientan del pecado y
puedan ser salvos.

Cristo nos dice en 11:15-19 que Dios concluirá su programa con el
sonido de la séptima trompeta. Muchos tambien piensan que este “Librito ”
contiene el misterio de Dios.

Parte III La apropiación del libro 10:8-11 

No tan solo es suficiente que Juan ve el “Librito ” en la mano del
 “ángel fuerte”  , angel de Dios que es el mismo nuestro
Señor Jesucristo pero debe de apropiarse de el,hacerlo parte de su
persona interior . Vemos en Mateo 4:4; Sal 119:103; que la palabra de
Dios es nuestro alimento . Debemos tomarla y asimilarla antes de que
pueda hacernos algun bien.

El efecto de comer el “Librito” tuvo un doble efecto en Juan pues fue
dulce a su paladar pero amargo en su estomago. Juan esta bendecido al
saber que Dios cumplirá sus promesas; pero sintió  la amargura al darse
cuenta de los sufrimientos que vendrán durante los siguientes tres
 años y medios de la tribulación.

En las próximas lecciones leeremos  como Juan profetizaría respecto a muchos pueblos , naciones, lenguas y reyes.

Book of Revelation 8:1-13

Revelation 8:1-6

The Seventh Seal  Apocalipsis-8-El-silencio-y-el-trueno-de-la-oración

8 When he opened the seventh seal, there was silence in
heaven for about half an hour. 2 And I saw the seven angels who stand
before God, and seven trumpets were given . 3 And another angel came and
stood at the altar, having a golden censer, and he was given much
incense, with the prayers of all saints upon the golden altar which was
before the throne . 4 And the angel’s hand went up before God the smoke
of incense with the prayers of the saints. 5 And the angel took the
censer, and filled it with fire of the altar , and cast it into the
earth, and there was thunder , rumblings, flashes of lightning and an

Now , we see the seventh seal , and the next series of judgments ,
the seven trumpets. In the OT as you will have many read and learned te
trumpets are  used to announce war ( NM10 :5 -9) or to move the camp (
Nm 8) or advertise feast  ( Nm 10:10) and also to bring judgment ( Jos
6:13) which we need to add the trumpet is a symbol of “power and

In the first three and a half years we see playing trumpets ,  and
bowls spilling over the past three and a half years. This period is
called the wrath of God . We see in (8:1 )  there was a silence in
heaven for about half an hour after opening the seventh seal . This
about to unfold God’s judgment upon the earth. By this time the
appearance of the Antichrist  already has manifested there is  war ,
famine , death , martyrdom of believers and physical disturbances both
in the sky and on the surface of the earth. After this big silence in
heaven , John sees seven angels with seven trumpets Apocalipsis-8-El-silencio-y-el-trueno-de-la-oración.
Angels as we read has the power and the will to faithfully obey what
the Lord commanded them. John describes seven angels standing before
God. This means they are ready and willing to obey his orders . John
then notes that each of these seven angels are given a trumpet. As
mentioned above the trumpets were very important in the nation of
Israel, because as we read were used to summon the congregation and for
breaking camp . Were also used to give order of battle in a war, and  to
solemnize the holidays of the people of Israel.

So we see that angels are ready to blow the trumpets apocalipsis_trompeta_1ilust1 ,
and this has to do with a declaration of war , as well as the fact that
the King of kings is about to be crowned and enthroned , and that the
time has come to judge their enemies.

John then sees another angel who came and stood before the altar and
this can be none other than the great high priest , Jesus Christ , in
his office to offer the prayers of the saints. One of the names of Jesus
Christ is just the Angel of Jehovah. The text says clearly . ” And the
angel’s hand went up before God the smoke of incense with the prayers of
the saints ” In this case , the prayers of the saints that had to do
with God executes vengeance against the ungodly humanity during
tribulation will use all his strength to persecute and murder Christians
. This sentence is taken to the throne of God through His Son , the
Lamb, Jesus Christ. God receives him as a fragrant smell, symbolized by
the fragrant smoke of incense. Now, we see that God is more than ready
to answer those prayers that have been prayed in the name of his son
Jesus .

That’s what we have in Revelation 8:5 which says, ” And
the angel took the censer, and filled it with fire from the altar , and
cast it into the earth, and there was thunder , rumblings, flashes of
lightning and an earthquake “

Here is the angel doing something unusual. You are taking the censer
 Angel is filling the fire of the golden altar of incense and the altar angel incensario,
and instead of burning incense in the fire whose perfume saturate the
throne of God, is shedding heat to the earth.  In other words the angel

It is a symbolic way of indicating that the time to attend the
prayers of the saints in the sense of judgment or spill fire of God on
earth has come . As soon as the angel turned the fire of the censer on
planet earth , the whole earth shook in frenzied convulsion. The
atmosphere expressed horror at what was about to happen. It was heard
thunders and voices and lightnings, which  lightnings were seen as the
worst of storms. The earth also shook violently. The earthquake was a
kind of complaint of pain emanating from the earth.

These prayers mentioned herein are the prayers that God raised the tribulation saints are returning to earth as thunder relampagos  voices, and an earthquake. Prayer has power. Once again we see that prayer is powerful . !

Finally John describes the seven angels and trumpets leading to the mouth to voice their sound.

Revelation 8:6 says, “And the seven angels which had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound . “

Everything was ready to go drawing back the curtain and take place the trials that come after the sound of each trumpet.


7 The first angel sounded , and there followed hail and
fire mingled with blood , and they were cast upon the earth : and the
third part of trees was burnt up , and all green grass was burned up . 8
And the second angel sounded , and as a great mountain burning with
fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood. 9
And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea , and the
third part of the ships were destroyed . 10 And the third angel sounded ,
and there fell a great star from heaven , burning like a torch, and it
fell upon the third part of the rivers , and upon the fountains of
waters. 11 And the name of the star is Wormwood. And the third part of
the waters became wormwood , and many men died of the waters, because
they were made bitter . 12 And the fourth angel sounded , and was
wounded a third of the sun, and the third part of the moon, and the
third part of the stars, so that the third part of them was darkened ,
and there was no light in the third of the day, and the night likewise .
13 And I beheld, and heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven,
saying with a loud voice, Woe , woe , woe to those who dwell on the
earth , because of the trumpet blasts about to be sounded by the three
angels !

1st.  Trumpet   fuego 3  John
noted that on the surface of the earth by other strange storm struck .
Instead of raindrops falling hail and fire mingled with blood. The Bible
interpreters have proposed several hypotheses to explain this rare
phenomenon. Some have concluded that it is the product of a fierce
volcanic eruption has released water vapor and incandescent material
into the atmosphere and gravity down like a mass of hail and fire of a
blood red. Hail storms can cause terrible disasters , because when the
fire mixed with the hail , the possibilities are frightening desolation .
third of trees and green grass will be destroyed by the first trumpet

2nd. Trumpet affects the sea  granizo,
making a third part thereof in both blood and killing a third of its
creatures, like destroying a third of the ships . Here the sea can mean
only the Mediterranean Sea , but it is more likely that all the global
seas are included.

The 3rd . Trumpet, third trumpet falls from heaven a great star
burning like a torch , affecting rivers , causing bitter waters . God is
the only one who knows the star of verse 10 , as He calls the stars by
name (Job 9:9-10 )

4th .Trumpet,  tercera trompetadarkness
the fourth angel trumpeting brings great calamities in heaven , because
a third of the light of heavenly bodies darkens. This makes fulfilling
the prophecy of Jesus recorded in Luke 21:25-28 . Worth mentioning is
interesting that God created the heavenly bodies on the fourth day of
creation, when the fourth trumpet sounds tinieblas

But mankind does not repent even when panic and through all these
horrible events . This terror that John saw and we are here writing
about will not make men repent . Surely an open crime wave like never
ever on earth has ever existed it will be felt on earth as the darkness
of night will feel dense to day , because until the sun be darkened . sol oscuro

And this angel who says Woe, Woe, Woe,  of those who dwell
on the earth , because of the trumpet blasts about to be sounded by the
other three angels! literal is a messenger of God
.  This
was a warning to earth that the next three trials will be even worse !
the inhabitants of the earth are those who have rejected Jesus to follow
the things of the world and worship all weakness of the flesh.

Book of Revelation 6:9-17

Revelation 6: 9-11

9 When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar
the souls of them that were slain for the word of God and for the
testimony which they held . 10 And they cried with a loud voice, saying :
How long, O Lord , holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our
blood on them that dwell on the earth 11 And they were given white robes
and told to rest a little time , until the number of their fellow
servants and their brethren, who had also to be killed as they were

The presentation of the martyrs martieres  martieres

John is looking at Jesus Christ resurrected and glorified in heaven as
he opened the fifth seal the book he had taken from the hand of him that
sat on the throne , namely God .

The book is the title of the whole creation . By His sacrifice on the
cross, Jesus is worthy to redeem creation. By this time He has already
opened four of the seven seals of the book.

The first stamp meant the entrance of the Antichrist on earth to master at the beginning of the tribulation.

The second seal meant open warfare between nations and people in the world dominated by the Antichrist .

The third seal meant famine on the land ruled by the Antichrist .

The fourth seal meant death of a quarter of the world’s population .

If that occurred today , more than 1,600 die millions.

In thinking about this , a mixture of emotions in which we have
Christ as our Savior originates. On the one hand there is the joy of
knowing that love Jesus Christ has delivered us from going through that
terrible period known as the Tribulation. But on the other hand is
painful  and sadness for the billions who have to endure the awful
punishment of God during the Tribulation. This should motivate us to
warn of danger to the whole world, they find refuge in Christ Jesus.

The opening of the fifth seal means several things . Everything
revolves around martyrs. The first thing we notice is the presentation
of the martyrs. As soon as Jesus Christ, the Lamb opened the fifth seal,
John saw under the altar the souls of dead people. But they were not
ordinary people. Text they were souls of people who died because of the
word of God and for the testimony which they says . Were souls of
martyrs. What happens is that once the Tribulation begins, once the
church has been raptured , the world thousands of people to the reality
of the disappearance of millions of believers place their faith in
Christ and receive him as Savior will rise .

Your faith will make you stand up and revolt against the rule of the
Antichrist. The Antichrist will respond with effective and ferocious
persecution of those believers . This will have its climax in the middle
of the tribulation. Later, in chapter 13 of Revelation we are given
details of the apparatus of persecution of this sinister character
called Antichrist. These believers were not such when it happened the
rapture of the church. That’s why I stayed on earth and entered the
tribulation period . Became believers during the tribulation and that
meant for them to have to suffer horrible persecution by the Antichrist.
John sees the souls of the martyrs under the altar. When the priests of
the Old Testament featuring an animal on the altar of burnt offering of
his blood shed at the foot of the altar.

From the perspective of the Old Testament, the blood represents life.
These martyrs , through his sacrifice , his life as a libation poured
for the glory of God. Paul uses this figure when in Philippians 2:17
speaks of being offered upon the sacrifice .

The prayer of the martyrs , is a prayer asking God to act quickly and
decisively . It is a request to God to intervene in the situation he
and justice. So they are saying: Take revenge on the inhabitants of the
earth. God will answer this prayer in his time and way. It may seem
strange that the souls of the martyrs of the tribulation are asking God
for vengeance upon the inhabitants of the earth. We’re supposed to love
our enemies , bless those who curse you , do good to them that hate us ,
and pray for or on behalf of those who insult us and persecute us ,
according to the teaching of Jesus in Matthew 5:44 . But what we must
recognize is that in tribulation God is pouring out His judgment on the
earth . It’s a different era, the conditions are different , so that
this prayer is not only understandable but perfectly justified.
Incidentally, note that the souls of the martyrs are perfectly conscious
in the sky. I say this because some false sects claim that when a
person physically dies, the soul passes into a state of unconsciousness ,
called soul sleep . Well, here we have souls of people who died during
the tribulation , but are in perfect use of all his faculties.

Possession of the martyrs. White garments symbolize righteousness
before God for these people. Not that came to be fair to have suffered
martyrdom, but because while living in this world, received Christ as
Savior. Righteousness before God has never been nor will be through the

Depues see the patience of the martyrs.

Remember that the souls of the martyrs cried to God for vengeance
upon the inhabitants of the earth. The answer of God we have in the
second part of Revelation 6:11 which says, ” and told to rest a little
while longer, until the number of their fellow servants and their
brethren who were to be killed also like them. ”

God’s answer was that he executed the requested revenge, but in his
time. Meanwhile, the souls of the martyrs had to wait . The wait would
not be in trouble but total rest . Until when? Well, until the number of
believers who will also be martyred on earth during the tribulation is

Then God will take vengeance on those who dwell on earth. Interesting
that God knows in advance how many and who are the believers will be
martyred during the tribulation. This shows the omniscience and
sovereignty of God. God knows everything from beginning to end . And not
only knows , but he determines everything from start to finish .

The fifth seal then it means the death of a large number of believers
during the tribulation. Christianity has had its stages. There have
been occasions when confess the name of Christ was sufficient reason to
be martyred . It happened in the past in the early centuries of
Christianity, under the rule of the Roman empire. It happens even today
in countries dominated by anti-Christian philosophies or religions.

Revelation 6: 12-17

12 I looked when He opened the sixth seal, and behold
there was a great earthquake, and black the sun became as sackcloth of
hair , and the moon became like blood, 13 and the stars of heaven fell
unto the earth , as a fig tree sheds its winter fruit when shaken by a
strong wind . 14 And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled
up, and every mountain and island was removed from its place . 15 And
the kings of the earth, and the great , the rich, the captains , and the
mighty men, every slave and every free man , hid themselves in the dens
and in the rocks of the mountains , 16 and said to the mountains and
rocks Fall on us , and hide from the face of him that sitteth on the
throne and from the wrath of the Lamb: 17 for the great day of their
wrath has come, and who can stand?

In Revelation three times earthquakes are mentioned , but along with
them would be riots on earth and in heaven who terrorize the whole world
.  Some biblical studies indicate that these verses describe the
results of nuclear war , the sun and moon darkened , large land masses
moving and people hiding in holes in the ground to escape the atomic
radiation. This may be so, but we need to note that people hide from
Christ anger in particular , not a catastrophe caused by man .

Verse 15 is a vivid description of what life will be during the first
three and a half years of the tribulation. The Antichrist will reign
over the United States of Europe , the Roman Empire revived , with a
number of kings that follow. Another feature of the days of the
tribulation is militarism , there will be captains , and fits very well
with the revival of the Roman Empire of the Antichrist. There will be
slavery ( slaves ) 19:13, where slaves and souls of men are included in
the goods of Babylon. There will be great wealth and great poverty and
the redistribution of wealth destroyed the economy of nations.

It seems then that the sixth seal judgment involves both literal
physical destruction in heaven and on earth . In short we see the
Antichrist begins his political career as a peaceful conqueror, but then
resorts to war and economic controls to dominate other nations . The
world accept his false peace by rejecting the Prince of Peace .