Book of Revelation 6:9-17

Revelation 6: 9-11

9 When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar
the souls of them that were slain for the word of God and for the
testimony which they held . 10 And they cried with a loud voice, saying :
How long, O Lord , holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our
blood on them that dwell on the earth 11 And they were given white robes
and told to rest a little time , until the number of their fellow
servants and their brethren, who had also to be killed as they were

The presentation of the martyrs martieres  martieres

John is looking at Jesus Christ resurrected and glorified in heaven as
he opened the fifth seal the book he had taken from the hand of him that
sat on the throne , namely God .

The book is the title of the whole creation . By His sacrifice on the
cross, Jesus is worthy to redeem creation. By this time He has already
opened four of the seven seals of the book.

The first stamp meant the entrance of the Antichrist on earth to master at the beginning of the tribulation.

The second seal meant open warfare between nations and people in the world dominated by the Antichrist .

The third seal meant famine on the land ruled by the Antichrist .

The fourth seal meant death of a quarter of the world’s population .

If that occurred today , more than 1,600 die millions.

In thinking about this , a mixture of emotions in which we have
Christ as our Savior originates. On the one hand there is the joy of
knowing that love Jesus Christ has delivered us from going through that
terrible period known as the Tribulation. But on the other hand is
painful  and sadness for the billions who have to endure the awful
punishment of God during the Tribulation. This should motivate us to
warn of danger to the whole world, they find refuge in Christ Jesus.

The opening of the fifth seal means several things . Everything
revolves around martyrs. The first thing we notice is the presentation
of the martyrs. As soon as Jesus Christ, the Lamb opened the fifth seal,
John saw under the altar the souls of dead people. But they were not
ordinary people. Text they were souls of people who died because of the
word of God and for the testimony which they says . Were souls of
martyrs. What happens is that once the Tribulation begins, once the
church has been raptured , the world thousands of people to the reality
of the disappearance of millions of believers place their faith in
Christ and receive him as Savior will rise .

Your faith will make you stand up and revolt against the rule of the
Antichrist. The Antichrist will respond with effective and ferocious
persecution of those believers . This will have its climax in the middle
of the tribulation. Later, in chapter 13 of Revelation we are given
details of the apparatus of persecution of this sinister character
called Antichrist. These believers were not such when it happened the
rapture of the church. That’s why I stayed on earth and entered the
tribulation period . Became believers during the tribulation and that
meant for them to have to suffer horrible persecution by the Antichrist.
John sees the souls of the martyrs under the altar. When the priests of
the Old Testament featuring an animal on the altar of burnt offering of
his blood shed at the foot of the altar.

From the perspective of the Old Testament, the blood represents life.
These martyrs , through his sacrifice , his life as a libation poured
for the glory of God. Paul uses this figure when in Philippians 2:17
speaks of being offered upon the sacrifice .

The prayer of the martyrs , is a prayer asking God to act quickly and
decisively . It is a request to God to intervene in the situation he
and justice. So they are saying: Take revenge on the inhabitants of the
earth. God will answer this prayer in his time and way. It may seem
strange that the souls of the martyrs of the tribulation are asking God
for vengeance upon the inhabitants of the earth. We’re supposed to love
our enemies , bless those who curse you , do good to them that hate us ,
and pray for or on behalf of those who insult us and persecute us ,
according to the teaching of Jesus in Matthew 5:44 . But what we must
recognize is that in tribulation God is pouring out His judgment on the
earth . It’s a different era, the conditions are different , so that
this prayer is not only understandable but perfectly justified.
Incidentally, note that the souls of the martyrs are perfectly conscious
in the sky. I say this because some false sects claim that when a
person physically dies, the soul passes into a state of unconsciousness ,
called soul sleep . Well, here we have souls of people who died during
the tribulation , but are in perfect use of all his faculties.

Possession of the martyrs. White garments symbolize righteousness
before God for these people. Not that came to be fair to have suffered
martyrdom, but because while living in this world, received Christ as
Savior. Righteousness before God has never been nor will be through the

Depues see the patience of the martyrs.

Remember that the souls of the martyrs cried to God for vengeance
upon the inhabitants of the earth. The answer of God we have in the
second part of Revelation 6:11 which says, ” and told to rest a little
while longer, until the number of their fellow servants and their
brethren who were to be killed also like them. ”

God’s answer was that he executed the requested revenge, but in his
time. Meanwhile, the souls of the martyrs had to wait . The wait would
not be in trouble but total rest . Until when? Well, until the number of
believers who will also be martyred on earth during the tribulation is

Then God will take vengeance on those who dwell on earth. Interesting
that God knows in advance how many and who are the believers will be
martyred during the tribulation. This shows the omniscience and
sovereignty of God. God knows everything from beginning to end . And not
only knows , but he determines everything from start to finish .

The fifth seal then it means the death of a large number of believers
during the tribulation. Christianity has had its stages. There have
been occasions when confess the name of Christ was sufficient reason to
be martyred . It happened in the past in the early centuries of
Christianity, under the rule of the Roman empire. It happens even today
in countries dominated by anti-Christian philosophies or religions.

Revelation 6: 12-17

12 I looked when He opened the sixth seal, and behold
there was a great earthquake, and black the sun became as sackcloth of
hair , and the moon became like blood, 13 and the stars of heaven fell
unto the earth , as a fig tree sheds its winter fruit when shaken by a
strong wind . 14 And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled
up, and every mountain and island was removed from its place . 15 And
the kings of the earth, and the great , the rich, the captains , and the
mighty men, every slave and every free man , hid themselves in the dens
and in the rocks of the mountains , 16 and said to the mountains and
rocks Fall on us , and hide from the face of him that sitteth on the
throne and from the wrath of the Lamb: 17 for the great day of their
wrath has come, and who can stand?

In Revelation three times earthquakes are mentioned , but along with
them would be riots on earth and in heaven who terrorize the whole world
.  Some biblical studies indicate that these verses describe the
results of nuclear war , the sun and moon darkened , large land masses
moving and people hiding in holes in the ground to escape the atomic
radiation. This may be so, but we need to note that people hide from
Christ anger in particular , not a catastrophe caused by man .

Verse 15 is a vivid description of what life will be during the first
three and a half years of the tribulation. The Antichrist will reign
over the United States of Europe , the Roman Empire revived , with a
number of kings that follow. Another feature of the days of the
tribulation is militarism , there will be captains , and fits very well
with the revival of the Roman Empire of the Antichrist. There will be
slavery ( slaves ) 19:13, where slaves and souls of men are included in
the goods of Babylon. There will be great wealth and great poverty and
the redistribution of wealth destroyed the economy of nations.

It seems then that the sixth seal judgment involves both literal
physical destruction in heaven and on earth . In short we see the
Antichrist begins his political career as a peaceful conqueror, but then
resorts to war and economic controls to dominate other nations . The
world accept his false peace by rejecting the Prince of Peace .